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Info for musicians interested in joining Polyphonia

If you are interested in joining Polyphonia, you might first want to take a look at the programme of the upcoming project and the rehearsal plan. It’s best if you take a little time to read through this. This is the best way to get an idea of our spirit.

Open Positions for the Autumn Semester 2024

The admission process

If you play the violin, viola or double bass, we would like to invite you to our quartet evening on Tuesday, September 17. There you will play excerpts from an earlier program with the orchestra’s section leaders and get a feel for playing together in the orchestra. For the spontaneous: We are accepting registrations for the evening quartet until Tuesday, September 17 at 3:00 pm! You can find the excerpts here:

You may look at the excerpts without any obligation and can then decide if you want to play the first or second violin part.

For the wind instruments, the type of admission process depends on the instrument we are looking for - just contact us if you are interested!

Why an audition?

The fact is that we have to decide whether to accept you into the orchestra based on your quartet playing. But don’t worry: we all know that such an audition is generally an unpleasant situation. So that you don’t have to audition all by yourself, we do it in a quartet for the strings, as stated above. Everyone has sometimes a bad day - but we are all very benevolent and try to make this quartet evening as pleasant as possible for you. Music is a universal language and connects people - that’s another reason why we, as a symphony orchestra, take this approach to get to know you for the first time. Have we piqued your interest? Then we look forward to hearing from you by e-mail (see below).

Rehearsal mode

During the semester, we rehearse every Wednesday from 6pm to 9pm. Not all instruments need to be present during all rehearsals. This applies to you if you play e.g. a brass instrument or percussion. Check the rehearsal plan for details (it may not be very detailed right now, but it will be updated as the project progresses).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!



Postal address

Universitätsorchester Polyphonia Zürich
Rämistrasse 62
8001 Zürich